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Facts and Figures

We are committed to our customers and providing a quality service that is value for money. We are passionate about our performance and regularly measure our success (and our occasional failures) against other organisations to make sure we provide the value for money service we promise.

Once a year, we produce financial statements. See our latest financial statements »

Value for money

Value for money forms part of the regulatory framework which tells us all the things the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) requires us to do.

The value for money standard requires us to manage our resources economically, efficiently and effectively to provide quality services and homes, and to plan for and deliver on-going improvements in value for money. This means we need to pay attention to the cost, performance and quality of everything we do.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Take a look at our latest TSM results for 23/24. It includes both the perception survey and operational TSMs.

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Our financial statements

Our financial statements

Take a look at our latest financial statements, that demonstrate that we are a strong, financially stable organisation.

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Payment performance statistics

Payment performance statistics

We are required by the government to publish our payment performance statistics. This means that every year we are required to tell you how many invoices were paid on time: each invoice we receive should be paid within 30 days and if paid late, how much interest we had to pay because it went over the 30 days.

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Development spend

Development spend

As part of our commitment to transparency Magna publishes details of any invoices over £500 on our website.

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