Damp, condensation, and mould policy
This policy outlines how we deal with the effects of damp, condensation and mould and how we aim to keep our customers safe.
The purpose of the damp, condensation and mould policy is to set out how Magna will protect the health and safety of our customers, colleagues, and suppliers from the effects of damp, condensation and mould in Magna homes.
This includes how we identify, respond to, and manage incidents of damp and mould in a timely and effective way. The definitions of damp, mould, and condensation are outlined at the bottom of this page.
There are many causes of damp, condensation and mould. This policy defines responsibilities and how colleagues and customers should work together to prevent or resolve damp and mould to make Magna homes safe, healthy, and comfortable places to live and work.
Our approach is to promote an open culture of reporting and shared ownership of damp and mould that supports our continuous improvement and means lessons are learned and positive changes are made when things go wrong.
The policy has been cross-referenced with other organisational policies to ensure consistency of approach and best practice. Magna must adhere to several regulations related to damp, condensation, and mould. A lack of compliance could place customers, suppliers, and colleagues at risk.
Aims and objectives of this policy
Magna aims to:
- Investigate reports of damp, condensation, and mould in customers' homes and carry out reasonable repairs and improvements in an effective and timely way
- Offer help and advice to customers living in Magna homes, including how to prevent damp, condensation, and mould
- Provide appropriate training and guidance to colleagues and suppliers on how to identify, report and resolve damp, condensation, and mould in a home
- Make sure the structure of our homes is protected from wear and damage because of damp and mould
- Make sure any components we install as part of our responsive repairs and maintenance service are cost-effective and meet our sustainability criteria
- Work in partnership with our customers so that:
- Anyone who reports damp and mould in their home is treated with dignity, respect, and empathy
- Customers can easily find and understand relevant advice, information, and guidance about how to prevent, spot, deal with, and report damp, condensation, and mould
- It's easy and accessible for all customers and colleagues to report damp and mould
- Magna keeps customers informed about what we're doing to resolve damp and mould
- We use our decant procedure to support customers who are experiencing more complex or structural cases or who are vulnerable
Magna's responsibilities:
- We'll give our customers comprehensive and relevant advice and guidance on how to manage and prevent damp, condensation, or mould
- We'll manage all reports of damp, condensation, and mould using our damp, condensation, and mould procedure
- We will, using trained and competent people, investigate and diagnose the causes of damp, condensation, or mould and take appropriate action to resolve it
- We'll remain in regular communication with our customers following a report of damp and mould
- We'll meet our responsibilities as a landlord as detailed in our tenant, shared owner, and leasehold agreements and in line with our repairs policy
- We'll maintain our homes so that they meet the Government's Decent Home Standard
- Any work to improve the energy efficiency of our homes reduces the risks of damp, condensation, and mould, and that any equipment will be fit for purpose and effective
The Director of Sustainability and Investment is the accountable person in relation to all aspects of damp and mould.
The Head of Asset Investment is responsible for operational delivery of dealing with damp and mould.
Customer's responsibilities
Customers should report any evidence of damp and mould to us as soon as possible, even if it's in its early stages.
Customers should allow Magna and its approved contractors access to their home to complete surveys to determine the cause of damp and mould as well as carry out repairs. We'll also endeavour to visit you at a mutually agreed time that is convenient.
Customers should follow the advice and guidance Magna provides on how to prevent and deal with damp, condensation, and mould in their home
Customers must adhere to their tenancy agreement, and be aware of their responsibilities, this can be found in their tenancy handbook or via our website
Any customer or person who isn't happy with the services provided by Magna can submit a complaint using our complaints process. If they have followed this and are still not satisfied, they can contact the Housing Ombudsman.
Governance, performance management and review
This policy is reviewed and approved every three years by Magna's Strategic Board. Interim changes may be made in the event of a significant and material change to legislation, guidance, or best practice.
Magna's Health and Safety Forum, chaired by the Chief Executive, meets quarterly to review performance and to make decisions around health and safety under clear terms of reference.
Magna has a programme of internal audits undertaken annually, which focus on the most important health and safety services. Results from the audits are reported to the Executive Board and Risk and Audit Committee.
The Head of Asset Investment will be responsible for ensuring that policy reviews are undertaken, that appropriate consultation takes place and that revisions are reported to the Executive Board for its approval.
Related policies and procedures
- Asset management strategy
- Development strategy
- Control of programmed works procedure
- Aids and adaptations policy
- Repairs policy
- Tenancy agreement