Man on mobility scooter

Mobility scooter policy

We are committed to keeping our customers safe in their homes. Mobility scooters help to increase independence, but they can also be a fire risk. This policy aims to prevent injuries and minimise the risk of a fire.

Who this policy applies to and what it covers

This policy applies to:

  • Everyone living in our homes and their visitors.
  • All homes and communal areas that we own.

The policy covers:

  • The responsibilities for the safe use and storage of mobility scooters.
  • What happens if the policy is not followed.
  • How we meet regulations.

Our mobility scooter policy

This policy follows the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) guidance for the safe use, storage and charging of mobility scooters.

This policy meets fire safety and health and safety at work legislation.

We follow the Equality Act by helping people to live independently using the right equipment.


Customers must get permission to store and charge a mobility scooter, or its battery, inside their home or in an existing charging area.

Permission won’t be given if it breaks safety laws or affects the

health and safety of others.

Safety rules must be followed, or permission will be withdrawn.

If permission is refused or withdrawn, we will explain why and the decision must be followed. If it's not, we could take action under the tenancy agreement.

We will tell new customers about storing and charging mobility scooters before they move in.


Mobility scooters must not be stored or charged in an internal or covered communal area, fire escapes or access routes.

Where mobility scooters are needed, we will help to find safe storage and charging areas.

The cost of new storage, and who pays for it, will be decided case by case.

When we build new sheltered or supported homes, or refurbish existing ones, we will include scooter storage and charging areas.


The Director of Customer Operations is accountable for fire safety management. They are responsible for the Mobility Scooter Policy and will review it every three years.

The colleagues responsible for making sure this policy is followed are:

  • Head of Building Safety and Compliance
  • Operations Manager – Housing Services
  • Operations Manager – Sheltered Housing.