Whistle-blowing policy
This policy outlines how we deal with reports of serious problems within our organisation.
Magna is committed to high standards of probity. It has adopted specific policies to achieve this, including an Anti-Bribery, Anti-Fraud and Corruption, and Counter-Money Laundering Policy, Counter-Money Laundering Policy, a Code of Conduct for Employees and the NHF Code of Conduct 2020 for Board Members.
Scope of this policy
This policy applies to all Board Members, Executive Directors, Senior Management Team and colleagues whether permanent, part-time, fixed term, casual employees and volunteers of the organisation.
The policy specifically covers our approach to whistleblowing.
A ‘whistle-blower’ is a worker who becomes aware of a serious problem and raises the matter so that it can be investigated.
This policy is one way in which Magna seeks to comply with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013. This Act is intended to protect workers from dismissal or victimisation if they raise legitimate concerns to do with their work or employer in the following categories:
- Criminal offences, actual or potential
- Failure to comply with a legal obligation
- Miscarriages of justice, actual or potential
- Damage to the environment, actual or potential
- Health and safety issues
- Any concerns that issues to do with any of the above may be deliberately concealed
We will encourage workers to contact their manager, any other manager or director, our internal auditors or another organisation such as the police, Regulator of Social Housing, or the Health and Safety Executive, to raise legitimate concerns to do with their work or Magna.
We will support and protect any whistle-blower who has volunteered information under this policy from reprisals or victimisation. If any discrimination or harassment takes place as a result of whistle-blowing, we will take appropriate action under our grievance or managing behaviour procedures.
We will do everything possible to protect and individual's identity when a concern is raised and where the individual does not want their name disclosed. However, if legal action is necessary, and individual's identity may need to be disclosed (eg to the police).
We will encourage workers who have such concerns to seek independent advice from Protect (formerly Public Concern at Work) or other sources.
We will ensure that all whistle-blowing reports are investigated and appropriate action taken to rectify issues identified.
No action will be taken against the whistle-blower if the claims are not subsequently substantiated, unless the whistle-blower raises deliberately false or malicious concerns. In which case this will be taken seriously and the individual dealt with under our managing behaviour procedure.
The Head of Governance, Legal & Risk is responsible for ensuring that the whistle-blowing policy is adhered to.
Management within Magna are responsible for ensuring any concerns raised are reported and investigated. All employees are responsible for raising concerns.
The Chief Executive is responsible for co-ordinating any whistle-blowing investigations.
Governance, Performance Management and Review
Annual reports will be made to the Executive Team and Risk and Audit Committee by our appointed internal auditors identifying whistle-blowing cases and the action taken.
The Regulator of Social Housing will also be notified of whistle-blowing cases depending on the severity and individual circumstances. The decision to disclose will be agreed with the Board.
The policy will be considered and approved every three years in line with the policy review timetable.