Affordability calculator
Use our calculator to estimate how much money you need to buy your new shared ownership home.
Our easy-to-use calculator estimates your monthly mortgage and rent payments depending on your deposit, helping you estimate the house price you can afford and the number of shares you could buy. This does not include any other costs such as service charges.
Simply amend the information using the sliders or typing in the boxes to match your personal financial situation.
This calculator is for illustrative purposes only and is not a mortgage offer. It gives you an idea of how much you could borrow.
The information is computer-generated and relies on assumptions. It is designed to give a useful indication of costs only.
Always seek a quote from a lender and double-check the price before acting on the information.
FAQs and Glossary
We've created this handy guide with everything you need to know about owning a shared ownership home.
See guideMoving-in checklist
Follow each step in our moving-in checklist and enjoy a smoother move.
See checklistBuying more shares
With Magna, buying more shares in your shared ownership home is easy.
Find out moreSelling your home
Everything you need to know about selling your shared ownership home.
Find out more