Woman looking at M3 locator on website on tablet 1

Report a repair

Thanks for choosing to report your repair through our website. Reporting your repair online is easy to do and can be done at a time convenient to you.

Before reporting a repair, please check the list below to see if it's something you're responsible for repairing. If it is your responsibility, you don't need to report it to us.

To report your repair, click on the link below and give as much information about the repair as possible. This will help us to book a suitable appointment to do the repair. If you can include photos that really helps us to see and understand the problem.

If you tell us the best times for us to visit, we’ll do our best to give you a convenient appointment date and time.

Report a repair

If your repair is an emergency, please call us on 0800 358 6025.
To see what classes as an emergency (priority repair), click here.

Need to report damp and mould?

If you want to report an issue with damp and mould, we have a separate form to do this. Click here to report damp and mould.